Accessible Social’s logo, an illustration of a camel face smiling with its tongue hanging out.
Accessible Social

Accessible Social Guidebooks

Cover of "Accessible Social: a beginner's guide to creating inclusive social media content" by Alexa Heinrich. It is light blue and patterned with different smiley face emoji. A smiling camel face is in the lower right corner.

Accessible Social

Accessible Social is a comprehensive guidebook that takes you through the basics of accessible best practices for social media.

The guidebook can be purchased through Amazon as a printed book or an eBook. You can also download a free PDF that mirrors the layout of the printed book or as a plain text document that is more screen reader-friendly.

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Cover of "Image Accessibility: an Accessible Social pocket guide" by Alexa Heinrich. It is light blue and patterned with different smiley face emoji. A smiling camel face is in the lower right corner.

Image Accessibility

Image Accessibility: an Accessible Social pocket guide focuses on best practices for sharing accessible images online. The guide is compact, making it great for new employees, interns, and marketing professionals on the go!

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